Being positive in a negative situation is not ingenuous, it's leadership

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Analisi e feedback dal mercato farmaceutico; fortemente impegnato nella continua ricerca di innovazione e promotore di progetti che stimolino il think outside the box. Solo con la condivisione e la ricerca delle best practices tra le persone si può aspirare a fare il massimo. Focalizzato sul leadership, personal growth e miglioramento: non bisogna mai smettere di imparare

Who I am

Hi, I'm Simone Rebora.

Coinvolto in un incessante aggiornamento e consolidamento delle competenze personali. Forte attitudine a gestire le persone e i team, così come la leadership e le capacità comunicative; sostenitore del think outside the box, del competitive mindset e dell'innovazione.
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Progetti, idee, proposte, obiettivi, decisioni in sospeso, pianificazione, assegnazione, attività, qualsiasi cosa vogliate condividere e parlare, inviatemi un'e-mail e programmeremo un incontro



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Autore: Simone Rebora 31 ago, 2023
Storytelling in healthcare marketing is a tool that allows you to tell a story using sensory language presented in a way that enables listeners to internalise it, understand it and create their own meaning. Your customers do not buy your product or service. They buy the emotion you make them feel.
Autore: Simone Rebora 01 mar, 2023
Most of the decisions people make are not based on logic. The hippocampus, the logical part of the brain, is only 2% of the brain. So, if we want to change people's behavior, their logic is the weakest tool. To change behavior, pharmaceutical brands have to tap into emotions.
Autore: Simone Rebora 18 nov, 2022
The pharmaceutical industry is economically and socially critical. However, it constantly faces multiple challenges that question the sustainability of several companies. Even before the pandemic, launching a new brand was far from straightforward. A successful launch must overcome a series of barriers, including supply chain, intensifying competition, increasing pricing pressure, increasing market entry barriers, and rising expectations among caregivers and patients.
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